

What it is Like Growing up in Northern Colorado

It seems, that not a lot of people can say that they were born and raised in Northern Colorado. So if you’ve ever wondered what it’s like growing up in Northern Colorado, you’re going to want to read this article. Let’s dive in. The School Systems A lot of people move to Northern Colorado because

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If NOT Fort Collins, Where?!

We are fortunate enough to work with clients who have bought homes in places all over Northern Colorado. But if not Fort Collins, where are people moving? Loveland, Johnstown, Severance, Wellington… We have worked with clients all over Northern Colorado and not JUST Fort Collins. So, today we’re going to talk to you about some alternate

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10 Reasons to Move to Fort Collins, Colorado

Although Fort Collins has recently slipped on its ranking, it is continually ranked as one of the best places to live in the United States. If you’re still not sure if this is the right city for you, check out these 10 Reasons to Move to Fort Collins, Colorado. Breweries One of the main reasons

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5 Steps to Move to Fort Collins in 2022

We are privileged to work with clients who want to move from Fort Collins from all over the country. We are fortunate to have worked with many clients who have done just that. Our main goal is to make this massive transition in their lives as smooth as possible. So, here are the 5 steps

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Pros and Cons of Fort Collins Vs Loveland 2022

Both Fort Collins and Loveland are great places to live. But there are definitely some distinguishable differences between these two towns.  In this article, we’re going to share the biggest pros and cons of living in Fort Collins vs Loveland in 2022. Let’s dive in. Pros of Fort Collins vs Loveland Fort Collins is less

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5 Reasons People are MOVING OUT of Fort Collins

Fort Collins is an amazing place to live, but it’s definitely not perfect. Just like any other town, it also has its flaws. So, today, we’re going to talk about 5 reasons people are moving out of Fort Collins. Let’s dive in. Population growth It’s safe to say that Fort Collins has grown substantially over

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6 Tips for Being a Buyer in Fort Collins in 2022

Being a buyer in Fort Collins in 2021 was crazy, to say the least, and unfortunately, 2022 is no different.  Buying a house is always an emotional rollercoaster, so I decided to share some useful tips to help you out. Here are some Tips for Being a Buyer in Fort Collins in 2022. Align yourself

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The 2008 Housing Crash in 2022… Again?!

With everything that’s going on in the world right now, there’s a recurrent concern about the real estate market as well. And many people believe that the housing bubble is going to pop at any moment.  Today, I’d like to talk about the differences between the 2008 housing crash and the 2022 housing bubble. Here

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Pros and Cons of Living in Fort Collins in 2022

One of my most popular blog posts is the one where I talked about the top pros and cons of living in Fort Collins. Well, it’s been a while since I published that post so today, I wanted to share an updated version for the Pros and Cons of Living in Fort Collins in 2022!

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