Strategic Trails Plan: Advancing Connectivity and Outdoor Recreation in Fort Collins

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Fort Collins has long been recognized for its outstanding trail system, which serves as a backbone for recreation, transportation, and community connectivity. The city’s Strategic Trails Plan (STP) is poised to expand and improve this system, aiming to meet the needs of a growing and changing community.

Current Trail System

The city currently boasts 46 miles of paved trails and 42 grade-separated crossings (overpasses and underpasses). These trails connect neighborhoods, parks, schools, and downtown, providing a seamless experience for recreational and commuting purposes​.

Planned Trail Expansion

The STP outlines an ambitious vision for the future, aiming to nearly triple the existing network. Key highlights include:

  • 71 additional miles of trails, bringing the total to 117 miles upon completion by 2050.
  • 35 new grade-separated crossings, increasing the total to 77 crossings for safer and more efficient trail usage​.

Priority Locations for New Trails

The plan identifies specific areas for trail expansion, guided by community feedback and data analysis:

  • Northeast Fort Collins: A significant focus area due to rapid residential growth and current trail connectivity gaps.
  • West Side Connections: New north-south trail links to enhance access for cyclists and pedestrians traveling to key destinations like the Harmony Library and Spring Creek Trail.
  • Railroad Crossings: Improved crossings at critical points, such as the intersection of the Power Trail and Union Pacific Railroad​​.

Community-Driven Design

The proposed trail system incorporates input from over 1,800 residents, ensuring that it aligns with the community’s needs. Engagement activities revealed high demand for:

  • Safe and accessible trails for all users.
  • Additional amenities, such as signage in multiple languages and seating areas.
  • Strategic links between underserved neighborhoods, schools, and natural areas​​.

Sustainability and Safety

The STP emphasizes conservation and resilience, integrating trails with natural landscapes while addressing trail safety through:

  • Widened paths and improved signage.
  • Enhanced lighting and visibility in underpasses.
  • Educational campaigns promoting proper trail etiquette​​.

Funding the Vision

The city plans to fund trail expansions through various sources, including the Conservation Trust Fund (approximately $2 million annually), Great Outdoors Colorado grants, and partnerships with developers. Additionally, a proposed renewal of the Community Capital Improvement Program tax could inject an estimated $10 million into trail development​​.


The Strategic Trails Plan represents a transformative step forward for Fort Collins, aiming to create a more connected, sustainable, and equitable trail network. Residents are encouraged to stay engaged and contribute their voices during the final review phases, ensuring the trails continue to be a cherished community asset.

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