Fall is by far my favorite time of the year here in Fort Collins. Whether it’s the feeling of being along the foothills or the fact that school is back in session, there’s something really special about fall here. Here’s what you expect during this beautiful season.
Fall in Fort Collins
As you probably already know, we’re a college-backed community so fall is the time when students start coming back to town and there’s new revitalized energy to the city.
September 1st to November 30th is a good time period to consider fall here. With the daylight savings happening in the middle of the fall season, you can expect the sun to come up anywhere between 6 AM to 7 AM. Our sunsetting is going to become shorter, from 6:30 PM to 4:30 PM. Even though the days become shorter, there’s a lot of activities to do in Fort Collins during fall.
What to do during fall in Fort Collins?
In Fort Collins, you can enjoy some good football at CSU and spend quality time with the community.
Weather can be all over the place but the average temperature goes from 25 to 75 degrees throughout November. That means you can still enjoy some barbecue time with the family outdoors or drink some beer on a patio.
From Halloween to holiday lights that get lit in November, there’s a bunch of activities you can do during fall in Fort Collins.
Corn Mazes is another fun activity you shouldn’t miss in Colorado. All those cornfields turn into corn mazes and once we get close to Halloween, even haunted corn mazes.
You have an opportunity to enjoy some amazing fall landscapes and sights in Northern Colorado while you travel your way around the area and possibly up the Poudre Canyon.
When does fall end and winter begin in Fort Collins?
If you’re considering moving to Fort Collins and are worried about the amount of snow that could fall, you should know that the earliest snow that has ever fallen here was on September 12th, 1989. BUT as of 2020, the earliest snowfall is September 8th, 2020. That being said, you can never know what to expect during this time of the year. It could either be sunny throughout November or the first snow of the year will fall during this month.
Final thoughts
So there you have it! Those are some things you can do in Fort Collins during the fall season. Whether you prefer watching football with the family or drinking a beer on a patio, there’s something for everyone in Fort Collins.
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